How to increase customer awareness and resolve customer pains?

How to increase customer awareness and resolve customer pains?

An individual's unsatisfied and hidden desire is known as "insight," and satisfying it might have a significant impact on his purchasing habits. It is the foundation upon which the company's advertising message and the customer's interaction with the brand are constructed. However, is there a mutually beneficial approach to identifying the client's "pain"?

Finding insight is like trying to solve an archaeologist's puzzle. You go more and deeper into the client's motivations, desires, concerns, and values, grain after grain of sand. You can gain insight into the heart of a consumer's thinking by asking unexpected questions during an interview or making unusual remarks. Finding the appropriate hook will become considerably more challenging if you only gather data dryly and use typical surveys.

In order to distinguish between ordinary truth and genuine, substantial insight, two fundamental criteria are established:

It's not necessary for insight to be good. It's not a problem, stress, or pain to say, "I really love ice cream. However, it's challenging for me to decide between the different flavors."

Having insight is not the same as just observing something. Saying something like, "Everyone loves being helped by a friendly store worker," is not an actual and surprising "wow" finding.

Here are some proven methods to speed up the search for that same customer truth.

Look inside yourself

If you are in the target group, you can look at how you act to try to figure out what is going on. It's essential to pay close attention to the little things you do every day and ask yourself, "Why do I do this and not that?"

"Why am I getting a new diary when I already have two at home that I haven't started?" Maybe I need it to feel like my life has changed in some way. — try to be honest and dig deep into your thoughts.

Slice through the data sphere.

Every day, we rely on SMM and search engines that track our every move, apply algorithms to our data, and filter out irrelevant results. The outcome is information that is "selected" to align with our interests, much as when you surround yourself with positive-minded people. Ignorance and complacency may set in when you're in a bubble. However, a bold move—bursting the bubble—is required to go beyond and discover something unusual and unexpected.

Initiate a conversation with a rare item collector or crack up a magazine you've never purchased before. Have you ever thought about how drastically different their view of the world is from yours?

Analyze online social networks.

Any of them is an ideal spot to watch people and look for their secret or strange needs and desires. It's important to remember that one person's view isn't always the same as the opinion of the whole group you seek to reach. So, any theory needs to be tried on a bigger group of customers.

One of Russia's digital companies came up with a campaign to advertise a service that helps people buy tickets. They learned that a lot of people go to the theater to pretend to be someone else for a while. This is why there are so many photos on Instagram of people getting ready in the lobby with their tickets in hand and the hall in the background.

Keep an eye on sites with reviews.

The weak points of items are an excellent way to get new ideas. How does stress happen? Why is it so hard to use this product? What kind of dispute does this cause between the maker and the consumer? It's easy to find responses to these questions in reviews that are honest (sometimes too much). Please read the comments and check the users' reputations before you hire them. This will help you avoid getting fake work.

Interview officials from TA

Consider whether a family member or close friend is a customer of the final brief's brand or if your parents have many traits that match the profile of the ideal customer. Learn more about a friend's preferred brands, the factors that influence his purchasing decisions, and the things that are missing from his current inventory by asking him pointed questions. The method's drawbacks, such as insufficient sample and necessitating confirmation and verification, should not be overlooked, though.

Simply recognizing a requirement is insufficient for arriving at the correct understanding. Problems, conflicts, and contradictions—the obstacles that the customer must overcome in order to fulfill their desires—should be the primary focus. Delve further: what motivates, inspires, thrills, and affects an individual? At this point, your findings will serve as a solid foundation around which the creative team may build a groundbreaking concept.